Utility Rates

There are many ways to save money and energy using novel utility rates. PG&E customers can even go to pge.com and create a login and password that allows you to instantly model what your bills would be on different rates. There are also special rates available to businesses. Then there are rates for EVs that help incentivize late night charging. Note: Under CA law, businesses are defaulted to what are called Time-of-Use (TOU) electricity rates that have higher prices during the "peak use" hours of 4-9pm daily. Power used outside that window is cheaper. Keep an eye on all power use during those hours. You may also have options for clean energy rate plans. Some businesses have choices about when they use power, some don't. If you have a business that has to use a lot of power during peak hours, consider whether a battery bank could save you money by supplying power during peak hours. Here are some links on how you can explore rate plans:
PG&E: FIND YOUR BEST RATE PLAN https://www.pge.com/en/account/rate-plans/find-your-best-rate-plan.html
PG&E: SMALL/MED BIZ RESOURCES https://www.pge.com/en/business-resources/small-and-medium-business.html
PIONEER COMMUNITY ENERGY: COMMERCIAL RATES https://pioneercommunityenergy.org/commercial/grass-valley-and-nevada-city-rates/