Welcome Local Contractors!
Many of the steps that local citizens can take to reduce their energy use - and lower costs - are simple changes in habits and awareness. However, there remains a certain amount of work involving the installing, servicing, and replacing of local equipment and construction materials, which only licensed contractors can perform safely and up to code. This is where YOU come in. We need trained experts who can help.
Whether it's solar, back-up power, HVAC, well pumps, plumbing, lighting, windows, appliances, EVs, or any of the myriad ways that we use energy today, there is a need in our community. This need creates jobs and income for those contractors willing to stay ahead, while at the same time saving locals money on their energy bills that continually siphon revenue out of town. We want to keep all that money and work local. Where it stays within the community & recirculates in our area...it's win-win-win.
Click on the information below to see all the ways you can earn money by helping others save money, re-directing it into your company & the local economy, thereby strengthening the community, creating jobs, and improving your bottom line!
In an area with lots of retirees and renters, we'd like to see more people relaxing in nature and less stress about energy bills. Contractors can make money by helping them save money.
Pictured: Board Member Jan Maes, reimagining an energy future for the Sierras.

HVAC >>> Nearly half of the energy used in a typical home is for heating and cooling air. With local weather extremes increasing, that means more heating in the depths of winter, and more cooling in the heat waves of summer. Over the next few decades, scientists expect the summer season to grow and the winter season to shrink, meaning cooling is becoming vitally important for our area. Our community needs plenty of contractors who can find and fix leaks in HVAC ducting, replace old HVAC units with newer Energy Start versions, install smart thermostats, and most importantly we need local contractors trained in heat pumps and mini-splits, which are fast becoming the norm for efficient heating and cooling. The federal govt has incentivized the installation of heat pumps, and local demand currently outpaces our local supply of heat pump contractors. This is an opportunity for you! Here are some websites with more info on energy efficient HVAC units: ENERGY STAR: EFFICIENT HEATING & COOLING https://www.energystar.gov/saveathome/heating-cooling ENERGY STAR VERIFIED INSTALLER (ESVI) PROGRAM https://www.energystar.gov/saveathome/heating-cooling/esvi/benefits-hvac-contractors ENERGY STAR: BENEFITS OF ESVI FOR TRAINING https://www.energystar.gov/saveathome/heating-cooling/esvi/benefits-hvac-contractors/benefits-esvi-training-orgs DEPT OF ENERGY: EFFICIENT HVAC https://rpsc.energy.gov/tech-solutions/hvac AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA: TECHNICAL MANUAL FOR HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS https://www.acca.org/standards/technical-manuals/manual-h ENVIRONMENT AMERICA: HEAT PUMPS 101 https://environmentamerica.org/center/articles/heat-pumps-101-efficiently-heat-and-cool-your-home-while-saving-money/ ROCKY MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE: HEAT PUMPS ARE A PRACTICAL SOLUTION FOR COLD CLIMATES https://rmi.org/heat-pumps-a-practical-solution-for-cold-climates/ ENERGY STAR: HOW TO CHOOSE A SMART THERMOSTAT https://www.energystar.gov/products/ask-the-experts/how-choose-smart-thermostat CONSUMER REPORTS: HOW TO INSTALL A SMART THERMOSTAT https://www.consumerreports.org/smart-thermostats/how-to-install-a-smart-thermostat-a1397698896/ ROCKY MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE: GREEN UPGRADE CALCULATOR - RESIDENTIAL MODELING TOOL FOR ENERGY PROFESSIONALS https://rmi.org/at-last-a-residential-modeling-tool-for-energy-professionals/ CA ENERGY COMMISSION: CONTRACTOR ENERGY RESOURCES https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/topics/building-decarbonization/building-and-home-energy-resource-hub-0 ENERGY STAR: ENERGY EFFICIENT PRODUCTS https://www.energystar.gov/products
APPLIANCES >>> Appliances fill every modern home, from washers and dryers to refrigerators and freezers, and from dishwahers to stoves & cooktops. Every year, dozens - if not hundreds - of local homes are looking to replace their appliances, and contractors familiar with energy efficient products can make a huge difference. An increasingly more common and newer type of energy efficient appliance is the ongoing switch to cooking with electricity using induction stoves and cooktops. Here are some links on efficient appliances: ENERGY STAR: ENERGY EFFICIENT PRODUCTS https://www.energystar.gov/products DEPT OF ENERGY: EFFICIENT APPLIANCE & ELECTRONICS https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/appliances-and-electronics DEPT OF ENERGY: SHOPPING FOR EFFICIENT APPLIANCES & ELECTRONICS https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/shopping-appliances-and-electronics ENERGY STAR: EFFICIENT APPLIANCES & LIGHTING https://www.energystar.gov/sites/default/files/tools/LightingApp_factsheet_2017_10.18.17_508.pdf PG&E: ENERGY-SAVING SOLUTIONS https://www.pge.com/en/save-energy-and-money/energy-usage-and-tips/residential-energy-savings-tips/solutions.html PG&E: ENERGY ACTION GUIDE - TOP ENERGY EFFICIENT PRODUCTS https://guide.pge.com/product-categories CONSUMER REPORTS: BEST ENERGY-EFFICIENT KITCHEN APPLIANCES https://www.consumerreports.org/appliances/best-energy-efficient-kitchen-appliances-a1040572723/ ENVIRONMENTAL & ENERGY STUDY INSTITUTE (EESI): MAKING THE SWITCH FROM GAS TO ELECTRIC https://www.eesi.org/articles/view/i-made-the-switch-from-gas-to-electric-cooking-heres-why-i-love-my-new-induction-stove ROCKY MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE: GREEN UPGRADE CALCULATOR - RESIDENTIAL MODELING TOOL FOR ENERGY PROFESSIONALS https://rmi.org/at-last-a-residential-modeling-tool-for-energy-professionals/ CA ENERGY COMMISSION: CONTRACTOR ENERGY RESOURCES https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/topics/building-decarbonization/building-and-home-energy-resource-hub-0
LIGHTING >>> After a century of use, the incandescent light bulb has been recognized as being very inefficient and wasteful, turning much of the energy that lights it into heat instead of light. Newer bulbs such as LEDs and CFLs use 75% less energy and last far longer, resulting in savings that can total hundreds of dollars a year for the average home filled with light bulbs. New bulbs also have more features and colors, allowing contractors and home builders to create lighting for any area or mood. For businesses, lighting can represent a larger percent of energy use than a home, taking up to 20% of the electricity used at a commercial location, for both interior and exterior lighting, running day and night all day long. Here are some links on energy efficient lighting: ENERGY STAR: UPGRADE YOUR LIGHTING https://www.energystar.gov/buildings/save-energy-commercial-buildings/ways-save/upgrade-lighting ENERGY STAR: EFFICIENT APPLIANCES & LIGHTING https://www.energystar.gov/sites/default/files/tools/LightingApp_factsheet_2017_10.18.17_508.pdf CA ENERGY COMMISSION: ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/building-energy-efficiency-standards/online-resource-center/lighting PG&E: ENERGY-EFFICIENT EXTERIOR LIGHTING https://www.pge.com/en/business-resources/business-center/energy-efficient-exterior-lighting.html LED BULBS: GUIDE TO SAVING ENERGY & MONEY https://viribright.com/blogs/insights/transforming-your-construction-with-led-lights-10-creative-ideas
SOLAR >>> With the solar industry having deep roots in the Sierra Nevada foothills dating back to the late 70s, and PG&E charging some of the highest utility rates in the country, it is no surprise that we have some of the highest adoption rates for solar in California. Whether it's local homes, businesses, churches, fire stations, parks, or nonprofits, solar is everywhere and continues to grow due to its reliability and affordability. Solar contractors now enjoy a host of financing options that make monthly payments cheaper than a PG&E bill. And with the new CPUC changes to solar installations that were enacted in 2023, systems now require batteries, providing more benefits and back-up power to our community, and requiring more skilled workers and revenue for contractors. Our area has also pioneered off-grid living since the 1980s, and the building department has a process to follow. Note: Solar installs are usually done by C-10, C-46, A and B licenses, but some come with restrictions. While you may not be interested in designing and installing solar systems, keep in mind that local installers often rely on subcontractors for some work, such as surveying, roofing, trenching, land clearing, concrete, tree removal, metal fabrication, and many other trades that help support solar installations. Contact local solar installers and find out if you can become a reliable subcontractor. Here are some links on how you can explore installing and servicing solar: CA SOLAR MANDATE INFO https://www.greenlancer.com/post/california-solar-mandate ARTICLE ON CA SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSING REQUIREMENTS https://www.greentechrenewables.com/article/latest-ca-solar-contractor-licensing-requirements CA SOLAR & STORAGE ASSOCIATION https://calssa.org/ CA STATE LICENSING BOARD: SOLAR CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS https://www.cslb.ca.gov/contractors/Solar_Requirements.aspx PG&E: GETTING STARTED WITH SOLAR https://www.pge.com/en/clean-energy/solar/getting-started-with-solar.html NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: OFF-GRID SOLAR BASICS https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/3127/Off-Grid-Solar NEVADA COUNTY CONTRACTORS: LOCAL SOLAR COMPANIES https://business.nccabuildingpros.com/list/category/solar-systems-189?q=&c=189&sa=False
BACK UP POWER >>> As our local climate turns more volatile, power outages have become more common. Whether it's a major snowstorm in winter, a fire-related outage in the summer or fall, or PG&E's new highly sensitive grid shut-down settings all year round, homes and businesses in the Sierra can lose power with and without warning, for days or even weeks at a time, in any season. While many can easily manage these outages, for too many in our community it means closed businesses and life-threatening situations for those with sensitive conditions. Needing backup power for a property means needing a generator, batteries, or both, and they must be installed with a permit by competent electricians. In 2019, during the early years of public safety outages, Nevada County officials reported up to a half dozen fires occuring during each planned outage due to self-installed generators. During a high-risk event in the middle of fire season, we certainly don't need more fires, we simply need plenty of well-trained local electricians making sure everyone can afford doing backup power the right way, with a permit and without cutting corners. While generators have moving parts that need regular service and maintenance and emit noise and exhaust, quiet and stationary whole-house battery back-up systems are becoming more common in the Sierras. While back-up battery manufacturers race for market share, this presents an opportunity for local contractors to get trained on the latest technologies and create alliances with suppliers. There is also a state rebate program for home batteries. Here are some links on ways to provide back-up power to the community: NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: GENERATOR SAFETY BASICS https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/2879/Generator-Safety NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: GENERATOR SAFETY CHECKLIST https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/39174/Copy-of-Generator-safety-1?bidId= NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: INFO ON BACKUP GENERATORS https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/3389/Backup-Generators PG&E: INFO ON BACKUP POWER https://www.pge.com/en/outages-and-safety/safety/electric-safety/backup-power-safety.html PG&E: REBATES FOR BATTERIES & GENERATORS https://www.pge.com/en/outages-and-safety/outage-preparedness-and-support/general-outage-resources/generator-and-battery-rebate-program.html NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: OFF-GRID SOLAR BASICS https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/3127/Off-Grid-Solar CA STATE LICENSING BOARD: BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS https://www.cslb.ca.gov/Resources/BoardPackets/ESS_Follow_Up_Study_7_26.v7.pdf PG&E: RESIDENTIAL BATTERY PROGRAM https://www.pge.com/en/outages-and-safety/outage-preparedness-and-support/general-outage-resources/residential-storage-initiative.html
WATER PUMPS & PLUMBING >>> As a rural area, most homes rely on ground water pulled up from wells with a pump, sometimes with a storage tank for backup. Our local farms and ranches also rely on water pumping to survive, whether it's using surface water out of ditches from NID or pumping up ground water. These surface and groundwater pumps are not only critical for our health and safety, but many are old and inefficient and will need service and repair, and eventually replacement. As part of the Nevada County Energy Action Plan, water conservation and efficiency are one of the key goals. This menas making sure we have plenty of competent plumbers and well drillers who can find and fix leaks, and can stay abreast of the latest technologies for water pumping. Some are even choosing to install hand pumps, like the Simple Pump, for pumping during an outage. Others are installing stand alone backup solar-powered well pumps with tanks for storage. A popular version is made by Grundfos, which can be powered by either a generator, utility power, batteries, or solar, whether AC or DC power, and they are very efficient. Here are some links on how to pursue efficient water pumping: NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: INFO ON RESIDENTIAL WELLS https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/2141/Private-Residential-Wells NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: INFO ON DRINKING WATER WELLS https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/2139/Drinking-Water-Wells NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: ENERGY EFFICIENCY WEBPAGE https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/3198/Energy-Efficiency 8 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT PUMP EFFICIENCY https://waterwelljournal.com/eight-things-to-know-about-pump-efficiency-standards/ WELL PUMP BUYERS GUIDE: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW (INCLUDES INFO ON HAND PUMPS) https://www.simplepump.com/post/well-pump-buyers-guide GRUNDFOS: ENERGY-EFFICIENT PUMPS https://www.grundfos.com/us
EVs >>> Electric vehicles are everywhere and continue to increase the need for home-based charging infrastructure, as well as private business-based charging stations for customers and employees. More and more local landlords will be retrofitting their rentals and Air BnBs with EV charging stations as well, even though cars may not reside there fulltime. All of this presents an opportunity for local contractors willing to specialize in this increasing need, who can stay on top of the changing rules, regulations, and technologies. Here are some links on how you can explore installing EV chargers: CA AIR RESOURCES BOARD: EV CHARGING OVERVIEW https://driveclean.ca.gov/electric-car-charging CA GOVT: BEST PRACTICES FOR PERMITTING EV CHARGING STATIONS https://business.ca.gov/industries/zero-emission-vehicles/plug-in-readiness/permitting-electric-vehicle-charging-stations-best-practices/ PG&E: LIST OF TOP EV CHARGERS https://guide.pge.com/browse/ev_chargers/ PG&E: INFO ON TYPES OF CHARGING STATIONS https://www.pge.com/en/clean-energy/electric-vehicles/getting-started-with-electric-vehicles/electric-vehicle-charging.html PG&E: FREE 'LEVEL 2' EV CHARGER PROGRAM https://www.pge.com/en/clean-energy/electric-vehicles/empower-ev-program.html PG&E: LOTS OF INFO ON EVS https://www.pge.com/en/clean-energy/electric-vehicles/getting-started-with-electric-vehicles.html DEPT OF ENERGY: INFO ON CHARGING EVS AT HOME https://afdc.energy.gov/fuels/electricity-charging-home DEPT OF ENERGY: EV LAWS AND INCENTIVES IN CA https://afdc.energy.gov/fuels/laws/ELEC?state=ca ARTICLE ON CA EV CHARGING REQUIREMENTS https://calgreenenergyservices.com/2022/08/20/2022-california-ev-charging-requirements/
WINDOWS >>> What more needs to be said about windows in the beautiful Sierras? We love living here due to the vistas of nature and rural wildlife. This means we have windows wherever we can. In an area still populated with century-old homes and buildings, this means we also have many leaky single-pane windows, many located in our historical towns and nearby rental units. Heating and cooling loss through leaky and inefficient windows on average can waste up to a third of a home's HVAC energy use, sending money out of our pockets and into distant energy companies, along with the associated waste and pollution (did you know that utility power wastes about 75% of the energy comsumed at the power plant, in the entire process of producing and distributing electricity). To help save energy and money, and keep our community healthy, we need plenty of contractors who can identify leaks, fix them, and replace windows with high efficiency versions as soon as necessary. Here are some links on taking care of our windows and building envelope: DEPT OF ENERGY: UPDATING OR REPLACING WINDOWS https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/update-or-replace-windows ENERGY STAR: ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOWS & STORM WINDOWS https://www.energystar.gov/products/energy_star_home_upgrade/windows_and_storm_windows ENERGY STAR: TAX CREDITS FOR WINDOWS & SKYLIGHTS https://www.energystar.gov/about/federal-tax-credits/windows-skylights ENVIRONMENT AMERICA: HOW TAX CREDITS CAN HELP YOU INSTALL ENERGY-EFFICIENT WINDOWS & DOORS https://environmentamerica.org/articles/energy-efficient-windows-and-doors-how-federal-tax-credits-can-help-you-install-them/ CA GOVT: WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM https://www.csd.ca.gov/Pages/Residential-Energy-Efficiency.aspx NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: ENERGY EFFICIENCY WEBPAGE https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/3198/Energy-Efficiency
NEW CONSTRUCTION >>> California remains a world leader in energy efficiency, able to grow our economy without similarly increasing our per capita energy use. Our state's Title 24 standards guide the building of efficient homes and businesses, and are updated regularly, including the additon of solar requirements for new construction enacted in 2020. Today's new homes may include not just solar but also back-up generators, batteries, EV charging stations, smart thermostats, heat pumps, tankless water heaters, Energy Star refrigerators, strong insulation, electric ovens & cooktops, efficient kitchen equipment, lighting, air quality control, and more. Here are some links about efficient home building and CA Building Efficiency Standards: DEPT OF ENERGY: EFFICIENT HOME DESIGN https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/efficient-home-design CA ENERGY COMMISSION: ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS FOR BUILDING https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/building-energy-efficiency-standards CA ENERGY COMMISSION: BUILDING STANDARDS FOR SOLAR, BATTERIES & ELECTRIC HOMES https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/building-energy-efficiency-standards/online-resource-center/solar NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: ENERGY EFFICIENCY WEBPAGE https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/3198/Energy-Efficiency MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: BUILDING ENERGY-EFFICIENT HOMES https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/12/22/1084532/passive-house-energy-efficient-harold-orr/
REMODELS >>> Similar to new construction, ongoing remodeling of local homes and businesses provides an opportunity for contractors to improve our community's energy efficiency in a multitude of ways. This means looking at solar, back-up generators, batteries, EV charging stations, smart thermostats, heat pumps, tankless water heaters, Energy Star appliances, strong insulation, electric ovens & cooktops, efficient kitchen equipment, lighting, air quality control, and more. Here are some links on Building Efficiency for remodelling: DEPT OF ENERGY: EFFICIENT HOME DESIGN https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/efficient-home-design CA ENERGY COMMISSION: ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS FOR BUILDING https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/building-energy-efficiency-standards CA ENERGY COMMISSION: BUILDING STANDARDS FOR SOLAR, BATTERIES & ELECTRIC HOMES https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/building-energy-efficiency-standards/online-resource-center/solar NEVADA COUNTY GOVT: ENERGY EFFICIENCY WEBPAGE https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/3198/Energy-Efficiency MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: BUILDING ENERGY-EFFICIENT HOMES https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/12/22/1084532/passive-house-energy-efficient-harold-orr/ ENERGY STAR: HOME ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS https://www.energystar.gov/saveathome/improvements/how-it-works/home-energy-improvements DEPT OF ENERGY: WHY ENERGY EFFICIENCY MATTERS https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/why-energy-efficiency-matters CA ENERGY COMMISSION: RESOURCES FOR BUILDING ENERGY-EFFICIENT SINGLE FAMILY HOMES https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/topics/energy-efficiency/building-energy-efficiency-resources-single-family
With some new technologies coming online, there have been a lot of questions about how to start training & hire up to meet demand. Here are some rescources to help contractors with both.

LOCAL RESOURCES FOR JOBS & TRAINING >>> Whether you're looking to hire, looking to train, or want to host an intern looking for a career, here are some local resources to explore. NEVADA COUNTY ECONOMIC RESOURCE COUNCIL: LOCAL WORKFORCE TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT SERVICES https://ncerc.org/workforce-training/ SIERRA COLLEGE: LOCAL WORKFORCE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT https://www.sierracollege.edu/academics/career-and-technical-education/workforce-training-development/ SIERRA COLLEGE: CLASSES FOR TRAINING INSTALLERS & CONTRACTORS https://catalog.sierracollege.edu/search/?search=construction+and+energy+technology SIERRA COLLEGE: CONSTRUCTION & ENERGY TECHNOLOGY https://catalog.sierracollege.edu/archive/2018-2019/departments/construction-energy-technology/ NEVADA JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT: INTERNSHIP PARTNERS https://www.njuhsd.com/Academics/Career-Technical-Education-CTE/-Community-and-Business-Partners/index.html NEVADA JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT: CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION https://www.njuhsd.com/Academics/Career-Technical-Education-CTE/index.html NEVADA CITY: SUSTAINABILITY PLAN & RESOURCES https://www.nevadacityca.gov/pview.aspx?id=20800&catid=564
STATE RESOURCES FOR JOBS & TRAINING >>> There are a lot of ways to be supported at the CA state level. Check out these resources below: CA CONSERVATION CORPS: TRAINING & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM https://www.caclimateinvestments.ca.gov/training-workforce DEPT OF ENERGY: STATE-BASED HOME ENERGY EFFICIENCY CONTRACTOR TRAINING GRANT PROGRAM https://www.energy.gov/scep/articles/alrd-state-based-home-energy-efficiency-contractor-training-grants-ctg-program CA ENERGY COMMISSION: CLEAN TRANSPORTATION WORKFORCE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/clean-transportation-program/clean-transportation-funding-areas-3 GRID ALTERNATIVES: SOLAR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT https://gridalternatives.org/what-we-do/workforce-development
NATIONAL RESOURCES FOR JOBS & TRAINING >>> DEPT OF ENERGY: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT & BUSINESS OWNER TRAINING PROGRAMS https://www.energy.gov/scep/workforce-development-and-business-owner-training-programs DEPT OF ENERGY: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FOR BETTER BUILDINGS https://betterbuildingssolutioncenter.energy.gov/workforce-development RESIDENTIAL ENERGY SERVICES NETWORK: LEARN MORE ABOUT ENERGY SMART BUILDERS https://www.resnet.us/builders/ BUILDING PERFORMANCE ASSOCIATION: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT https://building-performance.org/workforce-development/ EVERBLUE: ACCREDITED NATIONAL TRAINING PROVIDER FOR LEED, SOLAR, ENERGY AUDITORS, BPI CERTIFICATION, AND MORE https://everbluetraining.com/ EVERBLUE: HOME ENERGY EFFIENCY TRAINING GRANT https://everbluetraining.com/an-overview-of-the-ira-contractor-training-program/ DEPT OF ENERGY: STATE-BASED HOME ENERGY EFFICIENCY CONTRACTOR TRAINING GRANT PROGRAM https://www.energy.gov/scep/articles/alrd-state-based-home-energy-efficiency-contractor-training-grants-ctg-program AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR AN ENERGY-EFFICIENT ECONOMY (ACEEE): CITIES & CLEAN ENERGY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT https://www.aceee.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/cities_workforce_development_v2_0_2.pdf INTERSTATE RENEWABLE ENERGY COUNCIL (IREC): WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS & STRATEGIES https://www.irecusa.org/our-work/workforce-development-strategies/ E2 REPORT: ENERGY EFFICIENCY REMAINS ENERGY INDUSTRY'S LARGEST WORKFORCE & IS GROWING, BUT MANY MORE TRAINED WORKERS ARE NEEDED https://e2.org/releases/report-energy-efficiency-remains-energy-industrys-largest-workforce-and-its-numbers-are-growing-but-many-more-trained-workers-are-needed/
for You & Your Customers
There are incentives designed to help local contractors with hiring and training for energy conservation, efficiency, clean energy & back-up power. And there are incentives for your possible clients, to help them purchase your products and services, which you can leverage.
These include incentives from the federal government and CA state government, as well as from utilities and manufacturers. There are even special incentives designed for small businesses, rural businesses, minority-owned businesses, and other distinct categories found in the Sierra Nevada, so we are confident you will find something here to help every business owner in our community achieve energy progress. Join your local peers in creating happier work places for both the owners, the workers, and the community!
(It's important to note that some incentives are rebates that come AFTER a project has been completely paid for, requiring the full cost to be paid upfront. However, there are now many options for financing energy upgrades for businesses. Ask your lender or contractor for info.)

FEDERAL INCENTIVES INFO >>> From tax credits to rebates, from EVs to solar panels, and from heat pumps to charging stations, there has never been a better time to make needed changes. Due to the nature of politics and government, some incentives are newer and still being rolled out, including a large suite of incentives that came from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. Here are some websites with more info on federal incentives: DEPT OF ENERGY: FINANCING & INCENTIVES https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/financing-and-incentives DETAILED DATABASE OF FEDERAL ENERGY PROGRAMS https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program?state=US DEPT OF ENERGY: QUICK ENERGY STAR PAGE ON REBATES & TAX SAVINGS https://www.energystar.gov/products/ask-the-experts/get-federal-tax-savings-and-other-rebates-energy-efficiency-home-upgrades IRS: ENERGY EFFICIENT HOME IMPROVEMENT CREDIT https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/energy-efficient-home-improvement-credit IRS: HOME ENERGY TAX CREDIT INFO https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/home-energy-tax-credits GOOD QUICK GUIDE TO ALL FEDERAL ENERGY INCENTIVES https://www.constellation.com/energy-101/homeowners-guide-tax-credits-and-rebates.html GOOD INFO TAX CREDITS FOR HEAT PUMPS https://environmentamerica.org/center/resources/heat-pumps-how-federal-tax-credits-can-help-you-get-one/ BASIC INFO ON COMMERCIAL EV TAX CREDIT https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program/detail/22473/qualified-commercial-clean-vehicle-tax-credit BASIC INFO ON EV CHARGING STATION TAX CREDIT https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program/detail/22474/alternative-fuel-vehicle-refueling-property-tax-credit-corporate DEPT OF ENERGY: ENERGY STAR WINDOWS & SKYLIGHTS TAX CREDIT https://www.energystar.gov/about/federal-tax-credits/windows-skylights GOOD INFO ON TAX CREDITS FOR EFFICIENT WINDOWS & DOORS https://environmentamerica.org/articles/energy-efficient-windows-and-doors-how-federal-tax-credits-can-help-you-install-them/
CA STATE INCENTIVES INFO >>> California has been a national and world leader when it comes to energy conservation, energy efficiency, and clean energy. Some incentive programs have been in place for decades. Our state currently has a total of 154 different policies and incentives just addressing energy use in CA. Here are some websites with more info on CA state incentives: CA GOVT: GO GREEN FINANCING https://www.gogreenfinancing.com/ CA ENERGY COMMISSION: ENERGY EFFICIENCY FINANCING OPPORTUNITIES https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-financing-opportunities CA ENERGY COMMISSION: CA ELECTRIC HOMES PROGRAM https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/california-electric-homes-program-calehp CA FUNDING & GRANT PROGRAMS FOR BUSINESSES https://www.caclimateinvestments.ca.gov/resources-for-businesses CA ENERGY REBATES: FINANCIAL INCENTIVES FOR ENERGY SAVINGS https://californiaeda.com/california-energy-rebates-financial-incentives-for-energy-savings/ ONE-STOP PAGE ON ALL CA ENERGY PROGRAMS & INCENTIVES https://programs.dsireusa.org/system/program/ca AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR AN ENERGY-EFFICIENT ECONOMY (ACEEE): CA STATE & LOCAL ENERGY FINANCING INCENTIVES & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT https://database.aceee.org/state/california GOLDEN STATE REBATES: STATE-FUNDED REBATE PROGRAM FOR APPLIANCES https://goldenstaterebates.com/
UTILITY INCENTIVES INFO >>> PG&E offers various incentives for business owners that can instantly decrease your energy use and save you money. You likely qualify for multiple incentives, helping you purchase items like generators, batteries, solar panels, EV charging stations, thermostats, heat pumps, water heaters, HVAC units, refrigerators, insulation, boilers, ovens, cooktops, kithcen equipment, lighting, air quality control, and more! Here are some websites with more info on PG&E incentives: PG&E: ONE-STOP PAGE FOR REBATES & INCENTIVES https://www.pge.com/en/save-energy-and-money/rebates-and-incentives.html PG&E: BUSINESS ENERGY EFFICIENCY REBATES & INCENTIVES https://www.pge.com/en/save-energy-and-money/rebates-and-incentives/business-energy-efficiency-rebates.html PG&E: INCENTIVES FOR GREEN ENERGY https://www.pge.com/en/save-energy-and-money/rebates-and-incentives/green-energy-incentives.html PG&E: ONE-STOP PAGE FOR ALL POSSIBLE RESOURCES TO SAVE https://guide.pge.com/resources PG&E: REBATES FOR GENERATORS & BATTERIES https://www.pge.com/en/outages-and-safety/outage-preparedness-and-support/general-outage-resources/generator-and-battery-rebate-program.html PG&E: INFO ON SOLAR INCENTIVES https://www.pge.com/en/clean-energy/solar.html PG&E: BUSINESS ENERGY DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAMS https://www.pge.com/assets/pge/docs/business-resources/small-and-medium-business/Business-Demand-Response-Programs.pdf PG&E: ENERGY-SAVING PROGRAMS & TOOLS FOR BUSINESSES https://www.pge.com/en/save-energy-and-money/energy-usage-and-tips/business-energy-saving-tips-and-tools.html
MANUFACTURERS' INCENTIVES INFO >>> Some equipment manufacturers offer incentives, rebates, and limited-time offers that create incentives for business owners to buy their products designed to decrease your energy use and save you money. While there is no single catch-all website for these types of offers, we encourage local property owners to ask questions of contractors and keep their eyes open for special deals! Often, manufacturers use rebates that come after their product had been installed.
To help foster bonds and enjoy the success of peers, we are working on creating special peer groups that can help create more excitement, enthusiasm, and encourgement as we make changes at home.
This could include larger group meetings in person or online, or smaller targeted groups, as well as social media groups and mixers, newsletters, and emails.
If this interests you, please contact us and we will add your name to the list of possible future energy-peers!